Sack Lunches for HOPE

October 27, 2024

Hope serves a hot meal in carry-out containers six nights a week, but many folks struggle for adequate food in-between those meals. To help with this issue, during evening mealtimes, Hope provides sack lunches to anyone who needs them. These meals are paper bag lunches with shelf-stable food items like pop-top ravioli, granola bars, fruit cups, juice boxes, etc. Food items must be ready to eat, and not requiring preparation since many of the recipients are without stable housing and do not have access to microwaves, hot plates, etc.

Hope gives out around 600 lunch bags a week, so this is a constant need. To meet that ever-increasing demand, Westminster’s goal this fall is to pack out 100 lunch bags for HOPE. This is more than double what we have done in the last several drives, so we are praying for strong participation from everyone.  

We have a SignUp Genius for those of you who want to shop for these food items and bring them to church.

However, we also know that some of you might prefer to donate money for this project and have someone from Mission Team do your shopping. To that end, we will also be accepting monetary donations to purchase food items for our lunches, if that is simpler for you. Checks can be sent to church with the memo line: Hope Sack Lunches, or you can use Westminster’s online giving page.

Drop off items at Westminster no later than Sunday, October 27. There will be collection bins located at the Scio Church and West entries beginning Sunday, October 6.

Thank you for your continued generosity as we serve our neighbors in need!

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