Christmas Baskets 2024

For many years our Westminster congregation has participated in the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Christmas Basket program. This year, the Westminster Deacons have received information from the DHHS about two families that we can help during this Christmas season. Collectively, these families include six children, ages 10 months – 15 years, and their caretakers.

The Deacons need your help in supporting these local families.


Type your name in the “Westminster members” column opposite the gift item you choose (you may need to scroll to the right). Gifts should be purchased, wrapped and ready for delivery no later than Sunday, December 8.  Bins for each family will be available for drop off any time. 

Once your gift is purchased and wrapped:

  • Attach a note card to the gift, indicating which family and child the gift is for and what is inside. (Example: Family #1, girl aged 3, doll)
  • Include gift receipts whenever possible, especially if purchasing clothing.

Deacons are also collecting cash donations to provide gift certificates to these local families for food, and personal and household needs. Contributions for these gift cards may be mailed to the church office or made electronically on the church website giving page. 

The Deacons will deliver the gifts and gift cards to each of the families.

If you have any questions, please contact your Care Group deacon for assistance. They will be more than happy to walk you through this process or help in whatever capacity you might need. Please don’t let technology hinder your generosity or participation.

We know how appreciative these families are of your help. Thanks so much for your continued support, and thanks be to God for the many blessings we receive.

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