Our Beliefs

Welcome to Westminster!

Westminster Presbyterian Church is a body of believers who join together to worship God and live out lives of community and service. We are an active and vibrant church! Our core values are love, compassion, service, inclusion, earth-care, and connection; we do our best to live these as a church and as individuals. If you are looking for a community that is working together to be “the church” we would love to have you join us.


We are an open and welcoming Christian community in service to God and our neighbors.


Our mission is to show the love of Jesus Christ by:

  • welcoming everyone, without exception, into the full life of the church;
  • participating in the joyful worship of God engaging in regular study, reflection, prayer and sharing of our faith;
  • committing ourselves and our resources to the spiritual and physical needs of our church family and neighbors near and far;
  • seeking to be a good neighbor in our neighborhood.

Core Values

  • Love
  • Inclusion
  • Connection
  • Compassion
  • Earth-Care
  • Service

We believe in the good news of the Gospel: that God came into this world and revealed God’s self to us in the person of Jesus.

We believe God calls us out into the world to “do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God” (Micah 6:8) by loving our neighbors.

We believe that no matter your age, your race, your gender, sexual identity or any other human marker, all have a place in the household of God and can be called into leadership.

We believe that God constantly reveals God’s self to us in new ways. We are constantly learning, growing, and being shaped into the people God created us to be. There is never a point in our life or faith where we have it all figured out or have all the answers. Faith is a process, a journey that lasts our whole lives.

We believe that learning is important. Asking questions is important. Trying new things is important. All these can help us grow in our relationship with God.

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